Exploring Expectations on Valentine’s Day

Valentine's Day is here again. Flowers are out, chocolates are selling quickly, and restaurants are packed. Valentine's Day is here, bringing with it a range of emotions and expectations. Some people are uninterested, some are lonely, some find happiness and levity in the celebrations, and others see it as purely a “hallmark holiday.” Whether you're looking to spend time with a loved one, make new connections, or rekindle an old flame, it's important to make sure that your expectations are known.

From my experience, I can confidently say that today is a day loaded with giving out love, forming new relationships, and reviving lost connections in relationships. Whether it is celebrating with your partner, friends, or family, it is important to remember that expectations for this day may not always be met, and that disappointment may be greater than the pure happiness that love can bring. We should remember that this day is a reminder to give and receive love, and to appreciate the relationships we have. It is important to remain open to the possibility of celebrating with those we love in whatever way makes us all feel most connected and happy.


Valentine's Day can be a time of high expectations. We may have certain expectations of the day, such as buying cards, giving gifts, spending time together, or having romantic and sexual experiences. When expectations are not met, it can lead to hurt feelings and divisions in relationships. To avoid this, it is important to consider each other's values and expectations, be honest and open about desires and communicate openly and honestly. Setting realistic expectations can help to ensure that both individuals feel positive about Valentine's Day. If you have specific desires for the day, such as going out for dinner or seeing a movie, make sure your partner knows about them in advance so that any disappointment can be minimized.

Some common expectations include:

  1. Gifts: People usually expect to receive a gift from their significant other, which can be anything from flowers, chocolates, or jewelry. While gifts are a way of expressing love and affection, they can also be a source of stress, especially if you're not sure what to get or if you're on a tight budget.

  2. Romantic gestures: Candlelit dinners, weekend getaways, or surprise proposals. While these gestures can be incredibly romantic and memorable, they can also be a source of anxiety if you are not sure what your partner wants or if you are worried about living up to their expectations.

  3. Pressure to be in a relationship: Society has perpetuated the notion that being in a relationship is the norm, and being single on Valentine's Day is seen as a negative thing. This pressure to be in a relationship can cause feelings of loneliness and isolation.

  4. Expectations of sex: Romance and intimacy can put pressure on couples to engage in sexual activity on this wonderful day. While sex can be an important part of a healthy relationship, it's essential to remember that it's not the only way to show love and affection. It is important to communicate your boundaries and expectations with your partner and not feel pressured to engage in sexual activity if you are not comfortable.

Managing expectations:

  1. Communicate with your partner: If you're in a relationship, make sure to discuss your expectations for Valentine's with your partner beforehand. Be clear about what you want and do not want, and listen to your partner's expectations too. This will help ensure that both of you are on the same page and can avoid misunderstandings or disappointments. For example, if you want to go out to a fancy dinner but your partner would rather stay in and watch a movie, try to find a middle ground. Maybe you can cook a fancy meal together and then watch a romantic movie afterward.

  2. Set realistic expectations: While it's great to have high hopes for the day, it's essential to remember that no day is perfect. Focus on enjoying each other's company and spending quality time together, rather than expecting romantic gestures or any expensive gifts.

  3. Do not compare yourself to others: It is important to remember that every relationship is unique, and what works for one couple may not work for another. Instead of comparing yourself to others, focus on what makes your relationship special and celebrate that.

  4. Do not let societal pressure get to you: Valentine's Day is just one day out of the year. While society may put pressure on you to be in a relationship or engage in certain activities, it is just one day out of the year, and it's not worth getting stressed out for. Instead of worrying about whether your partner will like your gift or whether you'll have the perfect day, try to focus on enjoying the moment. Remember that the most important thing is spending time with the people you love, and showing them how much you care.

But ... remember

The pressure to have a perfect Valentine's Day can be overwhelming. The movies and TV shows we watch often make it seem like it is easy to create a magical day. But when we bring those expectations into real life, we can often be disappointed. This Valentine's Day, instead of expecting the day to be like something from the big screen, why not focus on celebrating in real life? Everyone is different, and some people may not even be that bothered by Valentine's Day. Instead of focusing on receiving something, why not focus on giving? Whether it's something big or something small, it's the thought that counts.

So what does it mean to give out of love?

It means doing something kind or thoughtful for someone without any expectation of getting something in return. This can be as simple as making your partner's favorite breakfast in bed, writing a heartfelt letter, or taking them on a romantic walk. The point is not to spend a lot of money or put on a big show, but to show your partner that you care about them and appreciate them.

This Valentine's Day, let's celebrate with real love and real happiness, not just a Hollywood script. Give out of love and not expecting something in return. Your gesture of love may not have to cost anything at all, but will still mean the world to your loved one.

We should practice this selfless form of love and have a wonderful day!

Yours truly,

Michelle & Co.


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