Your Healing Superpower - Empathy

If you've ever heard the phrase "people like you because of the way you make them feel", then this post is for you.

Have you ever been in a social situation where you felt anxious? Nervous? In your head? Worried about what people might be thinking of you? Worried of being judged if you say the wrong thing, or act in the wrong way? Or even, nervous that you don't know what to say?

I've been guilty of all of the above.

The issue here is that your frame is you, instead of them. Rather than being present with the people you are with, you are more so thinking about yourself, and how people will see you. Instead of feeling their emotions, and connecting with them, you are feeling your emotions, and disconnecting.

So, you want to stop feeling anxious? Instead of being nervous, overthinking, and so forth, take a deep breath, and switch your frame of mind from yourself to them, and listen to empathy.

You are probably thinking “why empathy?” … here is the deal:

Empathy doesn’t require agreement or liking other people, it does require listening and learning to coexist. Leading with empathy can bring different groups of people together by understanding one another and building deeper connections. Although empathy can be learned by anyone, some people are natural-born empaths. The difference is someone with empathy will have their heart go out to another person but an empath experiences those feelings more intensely. 

But we should not be ashamed —

Dalai Lama says “empathy is the most precious human quality.”

In the moment of empathy, you will no longer feel anxious or insecure. You will feel the love and connection, and when you keep doing this; you will realize how little your imperfections matter, and that what people really want is connection, support, and love.

Thank you for reading.

Yours truly,

Michelle & Co.


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